Part 59
Welcome to the Tombs. Today's party has an Egyptian theme. And you can't have an Egyption theme without...
Mummies!! Annoying fucking mummies that mainly use attacks that hit the entire party. Well hooray for that!
As annoying as that is to make up for it we've got some other fun stuff:
That's right, TWO, count em, TWO Flame Jewels! But i'm getting ahead of myself here.
We also got these things which are some kind of turtle lizard demon. Whatever, I breaks em apart.
Yeah you're upside down now bitch! WHAT? Really the monsters in here aren't too bad,
so I took Suo out for a bit and let him have some fun. /
BackupThe tombs also has the market cornered on spikey things.
Ok, so first things first. To get through this dungeon I gotta collect these two shiney things, one red and one blue. Although the monsters aren't to bad the palce is a huge goddamn maze with fire and spikes and impossible jumps and oh GOD WHY!?!
For example getting from here,
to here
only took about a million tries.
But I finally got the red gem so the payoff was worth it. Ok I got the gems, now I just need to find the boss and stuff my foot down his throat.
I'll never understand crap like this. Oh man this trap is so bad, Well I'm stuck in the middle here so I guess I'll reset the game. Oh wait, I can whack them with my sword and...
Problem solved. So that's kind of a pathetic trap. Then they decide to throw this one at you.
Ok these flying heads come out of nowhere and you can't touch them or they warp you back to this earlier room.
Yeah it's real fun for about one time and then it's just annoying as all hell.
Ok, so we have worthless traps, and really annoying traps. But that's not all. I couldn't believe I forgot this when I ran into it:
Ok, it's not bad enough that they're using one of the most cliche riddles in all of existance.
Well I managed to figure out that mind bender. And look, what a nice place to rest the gems I found earlier.
Not good.
Yeah enough of your preachy bullshit buddy. Let's fookin rock.
It's King mummy and a few of his lackies. I ruin his thugs with a quickness. The rest of the fight isn't as easy because the bastard healed himself twice and kept hitting me with his great magic.
But ya can't keep me down forever.
Thankfully the rewards for this one are well worth the fight.
Five chests full opf artifacts! Hells yeah. We got:
Ambrosia (woo!)
Ruby Music Box
Bracelet of Basilisk
Mask of the Dead King
I take it all cause whatevr I don't use I can always turn into material points. That's the end of our adventures in the tomb. Next stop is the forest of spirits to see if we can repair the accursed flame gem.